"The Guardian of the Tree"
This extraordinary fine art print titled "The Guardian of the Tree," presents a captivating depiction of this elder from the enigmatic Banyan tribe who is bestowed with this honorary title due to the significance of his dreams - which hold the power to guide and inspire his fellow community members.
At the heart of the Banyan tribe's cosmology stands the revered Holy Banyan Tree, an emblem of perpetual wisdom and spiritual connection. Under its sprawling canopy, men gather for moments of introspection, meditation, drawing upon the profound insights and tranquility emanating from its presence.
Inside the sacred tree, a small shrine beckons, providing a secluded and intimate space for deep spiritual connections. While the Guardian of the Tree does not fulfill the role of a traditional priest, the essence of religion is absent within Banyan culture. Instead, he assumes the role of a spiritual conduit, offering guidance and illuminating the path forward in the lives of his fellow men, empowered by his unique connection to the divine.
"The Guardian of the Tree" encapsulates the mystique and reverence surrounding the Banyan tribe's spiritual practices. Through meticulous attention to detail and masterful brushstrokes, this fine art print invites viewers into a world where dreams are revered, wisdom is eternal, and the Guardian of the Tree serves as a spiritual beacon in the lives of his people.
This extraordinary fine art print titled "The Guardian of the Tree," presents a captivating depiction of this elder from the enigmatic Banyan tribe who is bestowed with this honorary title due to the significance of his dreams - which hold the power to guide and inspire his fellow community members.
At the heart of the Banyan tribe's cosmology stands the revered Holy Banyan Tree, an emblem of perpetual wisdom and spiritual connection. Under its sprawling canopy, men gather for moments of introspection, meditation, drawing upon the profound insights and tranquility emanating from its presence.
Inside the sacred tree, a small shrine beckons, providing a secluded and intimate space for deep spiritual connections. While the Guardian of the Tree does not fulfill the role of a traditional priest, the essence of religion is absent within Banyan culture. Instead, he assumes the role of a spiritual conduit, offering guidance and illuminating the path forward in the lives of his fellow men, empowered by his unique connection to the divine.
"The Guardian of the Tree" encapsulates the mystique and reverence surrounding the Banyan tribe's spiritual practices. Through meticulous attention to detail and masterful brushstrokes, this fine art print invites viewers into a world where dreams are revered, wisdom is eternal, and the Guardian of the Tree serves as a spiritual beacon in the lives of his people.
This extraordinary fine art print titled "The Guardian of the Tree," presents a captivating depiction of this elder from the enigmatic Banyan tribe who is bestowed with this honorary title due to the significance of his dreams - which hold the power to guide and inspire his fellow community members.
At the heart of the Banyan tribe's cosmology stands the revered Holy Banyan Tree, an emblem of perpetual wisdom and spiritual connection. Under its sprawling canopy, men gather for moments of introspection, meditation, drawing upon the profound insights and tranquility emanating from its presence.
Inside the sacred tree, a small shrine beckons, providing a secluded and intimate space for deep spiritual connections. While the Guardian of the Tree does not fulfill the role of a traditional priest, the essence of religion is absent within Banyan culture. Instead, he assumes the role of a spiritual conduit, offering guidance and illuminating the path forward in the lives of his fellow men, empowered by his unique connection to the divine.
"The Guardian of the Tree" encapsulates the mystique and reverence surrounding the Banyan tribe's spiritual practices. Through meticulous attention to detail and masterful brushstrokes, this fine art print invites viewers into a world where dreams are revered, wisdom is eternal, and the Guardian of the Tree serves as a spiritual beacon in the lives of his people.
This is a numbered and signed, high resolution, high-definition, print from a series of only five. Museum quality, printed on Fuji Crystal Professional Archive Maxima Paper under 4-millimetre ultraHD Acrylic Glass by Whitewall.com, the Multi-Time TIPA World Awards Winner | 2013, 2017, 2020, 2021, & 2023.
Your Fine Art Print is checked by hand, given a protective cover and placed in art-secure packaging. Shipped to you by art shipping professionals, straight from the laboratory. No shipping costs, all handling fees and import sales taxes included (except for Norway). Please refer to our Shipping & Delivery section for more detailed information.
Seize 60 x 80 cm (24”x31”), weight: appr. 8 kg. Metallic suspension included.
Note: The image displayed is a low-resolution sample (72 DPI). The actual print is of superior quality (1200 DPI). For a more accurate representation, please contact AIDAM Fine Art Store.