"Emergence of the Future"
In the captivating print titled "Emergence of the Future," AIDAM's imaginary world unveils one of its regenerative wonders before our very eyes. This extraordinary artwork takes us on a mesmerizing journey to understand the origins of the realm's inhabitants.
Within this intricate artwork, our attention is captured by the birthing process of a brand new tribe member. Curiosity arises as we ponder the question: what tale lies behind their arrival? In Druda, the answer lies within the wolves, who dutifully deliver infants to male couples longing for parenthood. Whereas in Etruskia, the miracle of life unfolds with unexplained magic, as toddlers simply emerge from the vibrant strokes of a painting.
Yet, this fine art print offers a twist of assurance and respite. Unlike the famous Edgar Allan Poe tale, where a portrait ages alongside its subject, the young boy depicted in this painting shall forever remain youthful.
Through meticulous attention to detail and intricate editing, the artist invites us to embark on a journey of imagination, celebrating the miraculous arrival of life while cherishing the boundless potential that accompanies each new addition to the tribe. "Emergence of the Future" is a fine art print that captivates the mind, ignites the spirit, and unveils the wonders of the imaginary world within AIDAM.
In the captivating print titled "Emergence of the Future," AIDAM's imaginary world unveils one of its regenerative wonders before our very eyes. This extraordinary artwork takes us on a mesmerizing journey to understand the origins of the realm's inhabitants.
Within this intricate artwork, our attention is captured by the birthing process of a brand new tribe member. Curiosity arises as we ponder the question: what tale lies behind their arrival? In Druda, the answer lies within the wolves, who dutifully deliver infants to male couples longing for parenthood. Whereas in Etruskia, the miracle of life unfolds with unexplained magic, as toddlers simply emerge from the vibrant strokes of a painting.
Yet, this fine art print offers a twist of assurance and respite. Unlike the famous Edgar Allan Poe tale, where a portrait ages alongside its subject, the young boy depicted in this painting shall forever remain youthful.
Through meticulous attention to detail and intricate editing, the artist invites us to embark on a journey of imagination, celebrating the miraculous arrival of life while cherishing the boundless potential that accompanies each new addition to the tribe. "Emergence of the Future" is a fine art print that captivates the mind, ignites the spirit, and unveils the wonders of the imaginary world within AIDAM.
In the captivating print titled "Emergence of the Future," AIDAM's imaginary world unveils one of its regenerative wonders before our very eyes. This extraordinary artwork takes us on a mesmerizing journey to understand the origins of the realm's inhabitants.
Within this intricate artwork, our attention is captured by the birthing process of a brand new tribe member. Curiosity arises as we ponder the question: what tale lies behind their arrival? In Druda, the answer lies within the wolves, who dutifully deliver infants to male couples longing for parenthood. Whereas in Etruskia, the miracle of life unfolds with unexplained magic, as toddlers simply emerge from the vibrant strokes of a painting.
Yet, this fine art print offers a twist of assurance and respite. Unlike the famous Edgar Allan Poe tale, where a portrait ages alongside its subject, the young boy depicted in this painting shall forever remain youthful.
Through meticulous attention to detail and intricate editing, the artist invites us to embark on a journey of imagination, celebrating the miraculous arrival of life while cherishing the boundless potential that accompanies each new addition to the tribe. "Emergence of the Future" is a fine art print that captivates the mind, ignites the spirit, and unveils the wonders of the imaginary world within AIDAM.
This is a numbered and signed, high resolution, high-definition, print from a series of only five. Museum quality, printed on Fuji Crystal Professional Archive Maxima Paper under 4-millimetre ultraHD Acrylic Glass by Whitewall.com, the Multi-Time TIPA World Awards Winner | 2013, 2017, 2020, 2021, & 2023.
Your Fine Art Print is checked by hand, given a protective cover and placed in art-secure packaging. Shipped to you by art shipping professionals, straight from the laboratory. No shipping costs, all handling fees and import sales taxes included (except for Norway). Please refer to our Shipping & Delivery section for more detailed information.
Seize 60 x 80 cm (24”x31”), weight: appr. 8 kg. Metallic suspension included.
Note: The image displayed is a low-resolution sample (72 DPI). The actual print is of superior quality (1200 DPI). For a more accurate representation, please contact AIDAM Fine Art Store.