

Title: “Jason"
Description: Step into the captivating realm of Marino with "Jason," an exquisite fine art print that celebrates the exceptional males gracing AIDAM's extraordinary world. This captivating artwork captures the essence of a muscular and masculine barbecuer, showcasing the remarkable men who call Marino home.
With a powerfully developed physique, a splendid beard, and a bountiful chest of hair, this portrayal of masculinity not only symbolizes the remarkable physical attributes but also emphasizes the deeper qualities of Jason. Rooted in compassion, humor, and unwavering camaraderie, here we encounter a man with an unyielding commitment to protecting and assisting his tribe.
The depth of this man's character is palpable in his expressive eyes, which reveal a rich tapestry of emotions, reflecting the harmonious nature of his being. In this particular moment captured within the artwork, we witness our fisherman friend deftly preparing a delectable barbecued feast for his beloved comrades.
” Jason” enthralls viewers with its stunning portrayal of a man who possesses not only physical strength but also an abundance of heartfelt emotions and a boundless capacity for care and protection.

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Title: “Jason"
Description: Step into the captivating realm of Marino with "Jason," an exquisite fine art print that celebrates the exceptional males gracing AIDAM's extraordinary world. This captivating artwork captures the essence of a muscular and masculine barbecuer, showcasing the remarkable men who call Marino home.
With a powerfully developed physique, a splendid beard, and a bountiful chest of hair, this portrayal of masculinity not only symbolizes the remarkable physical attributes but also emphasizes the deeper qualities of Jason. Rooted in compassion, humor, and unwavering camaraderie, here we encounter a man with an unyielding commitment to protecting and assisting his tribe.
The depth of this man's character is palpable in his expressive eyes, which reveal a rich tapestry of emotions, reflecting the harmonious nature of his being. In this particular moment captured within the artwork, we witness our fisherman friend deftly preparing a delectable barbecued feast for his beloved comrades.
” Jason” enthralls viewers with its stunning portrayal of a man who possesses not only physical strength but also an abundance of heartfelt emotions and a boundless capacity for care and protection.

Title: “Jason"
Description: Step into the captivating realm of Marino with "Jason," an exquisite fine art print that celebrates the exceptional males gracing AIDAM's extraordinary world. This captivating artwork captures the essence of a muscular and masculine barbecuer, showcasing the remarkable men who call Marino home.
With a powerfully developed physique, a splendid beard, and a bountiful chest of hair, this portrayal of masculinity not only symbolizes the remarkable physical attributes but also emphasizes the deeper qualities of Jason. Rooted in compassion, humor, and unwavering camaraderie, here we encounter a man with an unyielding commitment to protecting and assisting his tribe.
The depth of this man's character is palpable in his expressive eyes, which reveal a rich tapestry of emotions, reflecting the harmonious nature of his being. In this particular moment captured within the artwork, we witness our fisherman friend deftly preparing a delectable barbecued feast for his beloved comrades.
” Jason” enthralls viewers with its stunning portrayal of a man who possesses not only physical strength but also an abundance of heartfelt emotions and a boundless capacity for care and protection.

This is a numbered and signed, high resolution, high-definition, print from a series of only five. Museum quality, printed on Fuji Crystal Professional Archive Maxima Paper under 4-millimetre ultraHD Acrylic Glass by Whitewall.com, the Multi-Time TIPA World Awards Winner | 2013, 2017, 2020, 2021, & 2023.

Your Fine Art Print is checked by hand, given a protective cover and placed in art-secure packaging. Shipped to you by art shipping professionals, straight from the laboratory. No shipping costs, all handling fees and import sales taxes included (except for Norway). Please refer to our Shipping & Delivery section for more detailed information.

Seize 60 x 80 cm (24”x31”), weight: appr. 8 kg.  Metallic suspension included.

Note: The image displayed is a low-resolution sample (72 DPI). The actual print is of superior quality (1200 DPI). For a more accurate representation, please contact AIDAM Fine Art Store.