"Silent Reverie"
"Silent Reverie" captures a compelling moment of contemplation and intrigue, featuring a young black member of the Nubilia tribe. After attending an exhilarating full moon party, the teenager finds solace and respite in the vastness of the desert sand. Adorned in a remarkable headdress, exquisite shorts, a mesmerizing necklace, and golden wristbands, his striking ensemble exudes elegance and sophistication.
The viewer is invited to ponder the enigmatic nature of his current state. Why does he sit alone in the sand, his eyes closed? Is he reflecting on a recent rebuke in his advances, his vivid imagination exploring the depths of raw emotions? Or is he simply exhausted from indulging in the revelries of the night-long celebration, seeking a moment of reprieve?
Regardless of the specific narrative, "Silent Reverie" celebrates the multidimensionality of this young man. By combining elements of regal attire, understated beauty, and an aura of quiet strength, the artwork invites contemplation about identity and personal journeys.
This fine art print embodies the artist's skillful technique, capturing the intricate details of the teenager's attire and the captivating atmosphere of the desert landscape. "Silent Reverie" invites viewers to immerse themselves in the compelling narrative and embrace the beauty and complexity of this young man's world.
"Silent Reverie" captures a compelling moment of contemplation and intrigue, featuring a young black member of the Nubilia tribe. After attending an exhilarating full moon party, the teenager finds solace and respite in the vastness of the desert sand. Adorned in a remarkable headdress, exquisite shorts, a mesmerizing necklace, and golden wristbands, his striking ensemble exudes elegance and sophistication.
The viewer is invited to ponder the enigmatic nature of his current state. Why does he sit alone in the sand, his eyes closed? Is he reflecting on a recent rebuke in his advances, his vivid imagination exploring the depths of raw emotions? Or is he simply exhausted from indulging in the revelries of the night-long celebration, seeking a moment of reprieve?
Regardless of the specific narrative, "Silent Reverie" celebrates the multidimensionality of this young man. By combining elements of regal attire, understated beauty, and an aura of quiet strength, the artwork invites contemplation about identity and personal journeys.
This fine art print embodies the artist's skillful technique, capturing the intricate details of the teenager's attire and the captivating atmosphere of the desert landscape. "Silent Reverie" invites viewers to immerse themselves in the compelling narrative and embrace the beauty and complexity of this young man's world.
"Silent Reverie" captures a compelling moment of contemplation and intrigue, featuring a young black member of the Nubilia tribe. After attending an exhilarating full moon party, the teenager finds solace and respite in the vastness of the desert sand. Adorned in a remarkable headdress, exquisite shorts, a mesmerizing necklace, and golden wristbands, his striking ensemble exudes elegance and sophistication.
The viewer is invited to ponder the enigmatic nature of his current state. Why does he sit alone in the sand, his eyes closed? Is he reflecting on a recent rebuke in his advances, his vivid imagination exploring the depths of raw emotions? Or is he simply exhausted from indulging in the revelries of the night-long celebration, seeking a moment of reprieve?
Regardless of the specific narrative, "Silent Reverie" celebrates the multidimensionality of this young man. By combining elements of regal attire, understated beauty, and an aura of quiet strength, the artwork invites contemplation about identity and personal journeys.
This fine art print embodies the artist's skillful technique, capturing the intricate details of the teenager's attire and the captivating atmosphere of the desert landscape. "Silent Reverie" invites viewers to immerse themselves in the compelling narrative and embrace the beauty and complexity of this young man's world.
This is a numbered and signed, high resolution, high-definition, print from a series of only five. Museum quality, printed on Fuji Crystal Professional Archive Maxima Paper under 4-millimetre ultraHD Acrylic Glass by Whitewall.com, the Multi-Time TIPA World Awards Winner | 2013, 2017, 2020, 2021, & 2023.
Your Fine Art Print is checked by hand, given a protective cover and placed in art-secure packaging. Shipped to you by art shipping professionals, straight from the laboratory. No shipping costs, all handling fees and import sales taxes included (except for Norway). Please refer to our Shipping & Delivery section for more detailed information.
Seize 60 x 80 cm (24”x31”), weight: appr. 8 kg. Metallic suspension included.
Note: The image displayed is a low-resolution sample (72 DPI). The actual print is of superior quality (1200 DPI). For a more accurate representation, please contact AIDAM Fine Art Store.